Twist in wedding traditions
Change is inevitable. Change is constant. Benjamin Disraeli
Change is a constant in life and the earlier you embrace it, the better. Trends, fashion, traditions and cultures change too. Taking a walk down memory lane, you will definitely notice the change in weddings and events leading to it. Not forgetting the way the role of service providers has evolved over time and how they have delivered over the years. The current COVID-19 pandemic has also contributed a fair share to doing weddings differently, and only time will tell if couples will want to go back to holding big weddings or if this new trend of small weddings will continue after people start getting the vaccine.
However, looking 30 years back, gone are the days when weddings were simple; in Uganda, decoration of the wedding venue consisted mainly of green toilet paper while the wedding meal was simply a paper bag of goodies (popcorn, piece of meat and samosa) plus one soda. Over the years, it got a little evolved, guests are now treated to a buffet and lots of drinks; water, soda, “bushera”, beers, wines and spirits. The decoration is over the top and quite expensive. Today, weddings are more personalised to the couples taste. People are doing more destination weddings which was uncommon back in the day for the religious people who had to wed in a church or mosque and over the weekend.

Kudos to the service providers that have been able to up their game and add lots of spice to weddings.